
Gabrielle Reason Gabrielle Reason

Tickets now on sale for 3rd UK Aufguss Championships, 18-19 May

Tickets have just gone on sale for the 3rd UK Aufguss Championships which sees the country’s top sauna masters compete in a showcase of skill, performance, and heat. Taking place at Arc Canary Wharf on 18-19 May 2024, champions from the single and team categories will go on to represent the UK at the Aufguss WM Finals in Italy this September.

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Mark Lamb Mark Lamb

Sauna Summit 2024 Recap

On Monday 20th May, the British Sauna Society hosted its first Sauna Summit, attracting some 250 delegates from all over the UK and Ireland, the US, Norway and Finland.

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Health Dr Lia Orlando Health Dr Lia Orlando

Let's talk sauna and mental wellbeing

Today is World Mental Health Day and here at the BSS we want to shine a light on the remarkable mental health benefits of sauna, and cold plunge. Here’s a few highlights on how sauna has been found to be beneficial to mental health in scientific literature.

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Interview Emma O'Kelly Interview Emma O'Kelly

Emma O’Kelly interviews Anna Hints, the director of Smoke Sauna Sisterhood

Emma O’Kelly, author of Sauna the Power of Deep Heat has shared the same Estonian smoke sauna as film director Anna Hints (though not at the same time). Here Emma interviews Anna about her new film, Smoke Sauna Sisterhood which premiered at Sundance Film Festival in January 2023 and won Anna a Directing Award. Anna grew up in Võru County, a region famed for its smoke sauna tradition and the film is on tour across the UK.

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