What does sauna do for you?
We’re trying to understand how authentic sauna is being adopted in the UK and the impact it’s having our health and wellbeing.
George Cory: Haeckels Community Sauna, Margate
We want to find out how authentic sauna is impacting the lives of people in the UK.
When you spend your time running a sauna business, or simply sauna bathe regularly, you meet many people who are falling in love with sauna for the first time. Then there’s those who can’t get into it, or don’t like it. We want to collect as many of these stories as possible and share them with the wider world.
That’s so we can document the rise of the UK’s own sauna culture, and be able to tell its story to future generations. More immediately, we want to gather qualitative data on the impact that sauna has for people and make this resource available to anyone who is forging the rise of UK sauna.
Our aim is to get as many UK sauna bathers as possible to describe their experience. Share yours via the form below, and encourage other sauna bathers to do the same.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find useful assets for promoting the survey.
Responses are anonymous - feel free to share as much detail as you like.
All questions are not required fields, so share as little or as much as you want. The diversity questions at the end are so we can assess to what extent sauna is benefitting the general public, rather than a niche group.
Campaign assets & FAQs
If you’d like to publicise the survey to your customers and followers, you can download ready-made assets here. There’s a printable A4 poster that contains a QR linking to the survey an is great for collecting responses just after a sauna. There’s also an Instagram image for social media
Anonymous data will be analysed quantitively to understand the demographics of people who sauna in the UK and how accessed it is by certain protected characteristics. Free form responses may be included in marketing or campaign materials if user consent is given.
You can read our privacy policy here. -
We’ll be sharing updates about the study on our social media, or in more detail in the British Sauna Society members’ newsletter.
UK Sauna Survey Partners
British Sauna Society
The British Sauna Society was established in 2014 by a group of Brits and European ex-pats. They had experienced the awe of authentic sauna and wanted to connect with fellow enthusiasts and encourage more of it in the UK.
A decade later, it’s been a driving factor in a UK sauna ‘revolution’, with exponential growth of authentic sauna experiences across the UK. -
Sauna Our Souls
Sauna Our Souls is a gathering of sauna owners, medical & mental health professionals, social workers, and therapists to expand the conversation, and initiate action, to make sauna and safe cold exposure accessible to more people in the UK and beyond.
In particular, they are committed to expanding access to sauna & cold through social prescribing, charitable funding, and donation programs.