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Sauna Cultures, Plant Magic, and Healing Traditions in Finland

From the organiser:

Download the seminar flyer here.

Dalva Lamminmäki will speak on ‘Forest Magic and Sauna Wisdom’

In the presentation, we will explore the world of Finnish folk magicians, called seers, healers, and cunning folk, and their words through archive texts and pictures. The Finnish National Archive holds tens of thousands of descriptions of magic rites and over 52,000 recorded variants of magic incantations, from where we can also read the relationship to the forest and specific trees. When and who can collect the material for the sauna whisk? Why sit on pine needles in the sauna?

Eero Peltonen will speak on ‘The Healing Sauna, the Spirit of Steam, and the Powers of the Forest’

The presentation introduces us to the Finnish and Karelian sauna healing heritage. We will hear how the spiritual forces and helping spirits are traditionally invited to the sauna rituals. We will get to know how they are asked to enter the Löyly (the sauna steam) and help with the healing. Löyly originally means the spirit.

Timo Mahlamäki will speak on ‘The Bear Necessities’

To register, please send an email to <> by Monday, 14 October 2024 at 5pm Helsinki time.

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