The UK and Ireland’s first industry event for sauna operators, practitioners and builders

20 May 2024, Netil 360, London E8

BSS members get a 33% discount (max 2 tickets). Log in to your account to get the code. Not a member? Join today.

With support from

The Sauna Summit brings together Sauna Owners, Operators, brilliant ritual practitioners, and those who we all rely on for a supercharged day of inspiration, learning and connection.

We will present the first ever UK Sauna Industry Awards sponsored by Harvia. Then we’ll top it off with a fabulous roof top sauna party overlooking London with DJ Rob da Bank!

It's going to be quite the day and quite a party. Bring it on! Tickets are very limited so grab yours today before they are gone…

Venue partner


Updated on 18 May 2024.

Monday, 20 May 2024 at Netil360


09:00-09:30 Arrivals, registration, tea and coffee social.

09:30 Welcome remarks and Summit opening by Mark Lamb. British Sauna Society at 10 years by Katie Bracher and Mika Meskanen. Special Guest address by Viljar Lubi, Estonian Ambassador to the UK.

10:00 Opening keynote: The UK Sauna Scene by Jake Newport (Finnmark Sauna).

10:30 Panel: Trends, growth, challenges, and opportunities in the UK and Ireland sauna scene with Judith Dunlop (Founder, Elie Seaside Sauna, Scotland), Bronwyn Connolly, (Founder, Wild Wellness, Ireland), Robin Bartlett (Founder, Sea Scrub Sauna, England). Moderated by Gabrielle Reason (British Sauna Society).

11:15-11:45 Break: Coffee, tea & networking.

11:45 Keynote: The Thermalist Education by Dr Susanna Søberg.

12:20 Panel: Regeneration and sauna tourism with Ragna Marie Fjeld (Oslo Bastuforening), Knut Lerhol (Badstufolk) and Mikko Jakonen (Studio Puisto). Moderated by Emma O’Kelly (British Sauna Society).

13:00-14:00 Lunch break.


14:00 Panel: Sauna operators – from pioneer birches to strong oak trees: How can we propel the sauna scene forward as a cohesive and respected group of individual businesses? With Charlie Duckworth (Community Sauna Baths), Kirsty Carver (Soul Water Sauna) and Cal Scott (Haar Sauna). Moderated by Liz Watson, (Beach Box Brighton).

14:45 Keynote: Why Now? This session will focus on the USA, with input from sauna legends and authors Mikkel Aaland and Glenn Auerbach on producing books and podcasts, and the resurgent US scene. Moderated by Emma O’Kelly (British Sauna Society).

15:15 Panel: Sauna design, build and technology. This session will address how well Design & build saunas can help to create a more efficient and sustainable sauna operation. With lightning presentations from Kathryn Tyler (Kiln Sauna), Will Gowland (Architect’s Holiday), Bronwyn Connolly (Wild Wellness), Tom de Wilton (The Saunaverse), Max Newport (Finnmark Sauna) and Olly Davey (Heartwood Sauna). Followed by panel discussion with Olly Davey, Tom de Wilton, Max Newport. Moderated by Wendy Liu (British Sauna Society).

15:45-16:15 Break: Tea, coffee and biscuits.

16:00 Panel: Holding the sauna space. Why do we need space holders in our sauna spaces? Drawing on a wealth of experience in both international and UK sauna scenes, we will analyse the journey of sauna ceremony and space holding in the UK thus far. Thinking about lessons learnt and how we need to evolve moving forwards. With Birutė Masiliauskienė (IBA), Deborah Carr (Ananda) and Jane Witt (The Saltwater Sauna). Moderated by Katie Bracher (British Sauna Society and Wild Spa Wowo).

16:50 Panel: How might sauna help to transform the health of the UK? Sauna is touted as a panacea for many modern ills - from the loneliness epidemic, to the dementia crisis, or being an exercise replacement. Some think we should ‘prescribe’ sauna bathing through the NHS. Our expert panel will share their views on what’s promising and what’s just hot air. Intro by Polly Wilson (Community Sauna Baths) on social prescribing followed by panel discussion with Dr Earric Lee, Dr Kath Jones and Andy Shepherd. Moderated by Dr Oguguo Igwe (British Sauna Society).

17:35-18:00 Break.

18:00 Sauna Summit Awards presentation and Visit Tampere prize raffle.


Rooftop Sauna Party

18:30-22:30 Rooftop Saunas are open!

19:30-21:00 Sauna Stories Corner hosted by Saorla Wright.

19:00-20:00 Chillout DJ set by Nik Torrens.

20:00-22:00 Headline DJ set by Rob Da Bank.

22:30 Sauna Summit 2024 closes.

Win a trip to the home of sauna!

Here’s a saunatastic treat for you – the lovely Finnish people at Visit Tampere have offered an amazing trip for 2 to the Sauna Capital including travel and hotels and access to 4 of the beautiful public saunas. All paid Sauna Summit ticket holders will be entered into the Prize Draw and a name pulled from the hat at the end of the day.

Secure your tickets now! They are limited and when they’re gone they’re gone.

  • Trip to Tampere – the Sauna Capital of the World

    2 flights from the UK or Ireland (airports with direct flights to Helsinki) and return train tickets from Helsinki Airport to Tampere.

    2 nights in a hotel (1 double/twin room, with breakfast)

    4 sauna tickets to public saunas in the Sauna Capital (Tampere and the surrounding region)

    The prize is offered by Visit Tampere and it’s valid until the end of 2024.

    (If any of the selected saunas are closed on the day the winner plans to use the prize, we'll try to find an alternative public sauna for them.)

The Sauna Summit is a not-for-profit event organised by the British Sauna Society and run by volunteers for the benefit of the sauna industry.

Speakers, hosts and panellists

Summit themes

Design, build and technology

Health and science

Rituals, practice and guided experiences

Business growth and operators

When and where?

20 May 2024
9 am to 10 pm

1 Westgate Street
London, E8 3RL

Our purpose

In the past few years, sauna culture has seen explosive growth in the British Isles.

Britain and Ireland are home to close to 100 saunas accessible to general public. Most of them have grown as part of a new moment – centred around healthy lifestyle, community and nature connection.

The media have taken an unprecedented interest in the rise of sauna, with most major outlets including the BBC, The Times, The Guardian, The Economist and many more running extensive features in the past year.

Vocations like Sauna Master, Sauna Operator and Sauna Builder have emerged as real options for self-actualisation and making a living.

The sauna movement needs its own professional event, a gathering where we can upgrade our understanding, find solutions to shared challenges and make connections with each other.

This is an event for those who push the sauna movement forward – created and organised by people within the movement, who live and breathe sauna and want to share its joys and benefits with others.

Bar. Pizza. Sauna!

The Summit afterparty from 6.30 pm to 10 pm

Get your sweat on in four rooftop saunas and on the dancefloor with the BBC Radio 1 DJ and sauna and wellness entrepreneur

Rob Da Bank


Full ticket £75

Includes entry to daytime talks, workshops + sauna afterparty

Evening ticket £25

Includes entry the sauna afterparty only.

BSS members get a 33% discount (max 2 tickets). Log in to your account for a discount code.

About the organisers

The British Sauna Society was established in 2014 by a group of Brits and European ex-pats. They had experienced the awe of authentic sauna and wanted to connect with fellow enthusiasts and encourage more of it in the UK.

A decade later, it’s been a driving factor in a UK sauna ‘revolution’, with exponential growth of authentic sauna experiences across the UK.

Thanks to our headline sponsors